During the current Digital Art Renaissance in 2024, one of the most important aspects of it all is screen technology, as it defines how artists display their work in homes, but also in larger event spaces. One of the biggest and best players in the game is W1 Curates, an incredible exhibition space with the best in class LED Technology elegantly spanning from wall to wall, and featured a luscious black gloss floor and mirrored pillars to bounce tasty reflections everywhere. The operation is helmed by Mark Dale, who together with his amazing team have been exhibiting the crème de la crème of digital artists in the world.
In September 2023, the team invited GMUNK to exhibit his works in the space and produce a full takeover for the month. He was to be wedged in between legendary artists Ash Thorp and Fvckrender, so Munky knew he had to bring the heat and produce an extraordinary show that would hold up to the highest standards of digital art exhibitions.
W1 Curates is a public art platform located at the heart of London’s iconic Oxford Street. Purposely executed to deliver the best and most cutting-edge projects in Art, Fashion, and Music, W1 Curates harnesses state-of-the-art technology to exhibit creative content with digital prowess and unrivalled innovation and reach.
The bespoke, in-house batch-matched LED screen technology portrays the artist’s palette true to form without any variation from the original artwork. In short, whites are white with no variation of tone and black is black minus any grey undertones as is typically seen on commercial screens.
Enter ‘Motus in Lucem’ (movement into the light) a forty-five compendium of motion and static works spanning the past three years. What was so compelling about the approach was how the works manipulated the element of time, using editing and time offsets to create cascading waves of motion that created an interesting visual flow throughout the space. Played back at scale and applied to the selected work on display, this effect was rather immersive and brought a signature flavor of motion design to the exhibition.